Labor et Dolor

We recently held a faculty retreat at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, whose theme was ‘Play’.  A curious focus, one might think, for serious-minded professors about to begin an academic year of rigorous learning (or so we like to think).  But in fact, the conversation was rather eye-opening, as we pondered the distinction between ‘work’ […]

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A Philosophical Brexit

Already the effects of the Brexit are rippling through the world:  The British currency has taken a record nosedive, the stock market is a, and wee bonnie Scotland now wants independence from Britain, to stay cuddled up with the EU. Now our own Quebec wants to break free, once again: Justin Trudeau was booed for […]

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Amoris Laetitia, Global Greed, and Warming Up

*The Holy Father’s Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia is now promulgated.  I have only read the first few pages, wherein the Pope advises us to read the document “patiently and carefully”.  At over 200 pages, that may be unavoidable.  There are already a number of commentaries out there, presumably by those who have read it […]

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Our Unsupportable Medical Utopia

I met an acquaintance of mine recently in one of local stores (of course, government run) that sells liquid cheer, to refresh the weary soul after a long Lent.  He was there to buy a blend of Canadian Rye Whiskey, voted last December by a connoisseur as the ‘best whiskey in the world’.  As a […]

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Of Bombs, Budgets and Bombast

*Our prayers go out for all the victims and, yes, the perpetrators of yesterday’s attacks in Belgium.  We are up against a determined enemy, willing to kill, and to die, for their disordered cause.  Nothing so motivates a man as religious zeal, but we must recall that that does not make religion evil.  Corruptio optimi […]

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Liberal Budget Educated in Red Ink

The Ontario Liberal budget was released yesterday:  As expected, costs are going up, while revenues tank, the deficit is $50 billion, the debt, well, the debt is now more than $300 billion.  With those apocalyptic figures, I am not sure how worried we should be that wine is going up ten cents a bottle.  Perhaps […]

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